Monday, September 28, 2009

Exercise 6.2: Wiki and Moodle design


What is it about the design of the wiki and Moodle that you liked or disliked?
What features do wiki and Moodle have in common and what are the differences (eg a Wiki, Forum and blogtool is also groupware design feature inside a Moodle site) ?
Is the presence of likeable features also a combination of the design tips for usability, sociability and sustainability, as advocated by Preece and Kim in earlier topics?
I've had a look around the moodle but I don't think the full functionality is being explored.
People are using the blog part but I use moodle very differently at my school.
In my ICT subjects, all work is delivered, created and marked online. The scoring and work comments are sent via moodle to students and the results are collated into a spreadsheet that can be exported into the marking software we use (Markbook).
All digital resources are located in a digital library and I archive all student work so that I can show the new class examples of what is required.
I hardly ever use the blog or wiki function. I can see how a wiki would be fantastic and I will start using this function next. The great thing about Wikis is that they facilitate a process of context enrichment and debate that is moderated to ensure that sources are acknowledged and the knowledge is as 'pure' as it can be. Making access to wikis open ensures that if anyone has a different view, then they are able to challenge the status quo provided they follow the same sourcing guidelines as anyone else. Although the 'content enrichment process happens across a moodle, unless the wiki function is used, the knowledge can be spread across chats, forums, assignment work and lists to such an extent that the core elements of the site are too disparate to be of great use.
Being able to use 'likeable' functions such as images, emoticons, chat and a wide range of dialog styles can personalise the learning and teaching experience a great deal and for some students this can be a big motivator. If my students were geographically isolated from the school and each each other, these features would be a big advantage is bringing students together as people and to make the site more sustainable
Because my students are all in the same physical classroom as me, it is more convenient and effective to communicate with them 'in the real world' than via the blog.
I love moodle.

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