I've made up social profiles on Facebook (last updated a week ago) and on LinkedIn. The two profiles were very different because of the way I regard each site.
Facebook started off as being frivolous although all information I provided was truthful. It described the lighter 'more arty' side of me. I wanted to have fun with the site, so I welcomed lots of applications for friends. As it developed, I got some much frivolity on my wall that I got really sick of it. I began 'culling' my friends and blocking the nuisances. Now its really pared down and I only receive information that I'm interested in from people who I know and respect.
I was very perfunctory with this site because I am really not looking for another job. I have the dream job and I cannot think of anywhere else I'd rather be. So I did not have much motivation to dust off the the old cvs and present myself as an attractive prospect for HR people. Been there done that - YUK! However, if employment was not the only outcome of LinkedIn and genuine knowledge exchange was the object then I could see real value in it - provided the database had real integrity in terms of talent and scope. Unfortunately, I do not have the time to really test this.
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